Squash, Winter: Rouge Vif D’Etampes
From Seed Saver’s:
“Beautiful French pumpkin introduced in the United States by W. Atlee Burpee in 1883; documented by Vilmorin the same year. Very flattened red-orange fruit with wide ribs, weighs up to 20 pounds. Favored by French chefs for rich soup stock.”
Fruit to 20 pounds
Indoor Sowing Time:
Outdoor Sowing/Transplanting Time:
Late Summer/Fall Sowing Time:
Astrological Sign:
Sprout Time:
Days to Mature: 95 Days
Reseeds or Re-sprouts:
Purchased From:
Purchase Date:
Sow Date:
Transplant Date:
First Harvest Date:
Last Harvest Date:
Bounty (High, Medium, Low):