Tomato: Black Beauty
From Baker Creek:
“FThe darkest tomato we know! A dark, meaty, very rich-fleshed tomato with extreme anthocyanin expression (the same antioxidant as in blueberries and blackberries). So dark that some tomatoes turn solid blue-black on the skin. The deep red flesh is among the best-tasting of all tomatoes. Rich, smooth, and savory with earthy tones. Hangs well on the vine and stores very well. The flavor even improves with room-temperature storage. Some proclaim it as the BEST tomato they have ever eaten!”
Indoor Sowing Time:
Outdoor Sowing/Transplanting Time:
Late Summer/Fall Sowing Time:
Astrological Sign:
Sprout Time: 7-14 Days
Days to Mature: 80 Days
Reseeds or Re-sprouts:
Purchased From:
Purchase Date:
Sow Date:
Transplant Date:
First Harvest Date:
Last Harvest Date:
Bounty (High, Medium, Low):