Beet: Golden

Image from Baker Creek

From Seed Savers:

“A glorious gilded beet with supremely sweet flesh and dense nutrition. The rich golden roots do not bleed or stain, making for less kitchen mess. It is an excellent variety for kids and newbie beet eaters, as the mellow flavor is much less earthy than regular red beets, and it’s a perfect choice for market gardeners and those looking to grow a rainbow of produce. Rich in folate, manganese, and, of course, beta-carotene. Yellow beets date back to at least the 1820s, but they did not become widely adopted by gardeners until Burpee Seed introduced a golden beet in the 1960s. Perfect for raw eating, roasting, juicing, and more!”

Indoor Sowing Time:

Outdoor Sowing/Transplanting Time:

Late Summer/Fall Sowing Time:

Astrological Sign:

Sprout Time:

Days to Mature: 55 days

Reseeds or Re-sprouts:

Purchased From:

Purchase Date:


Sow Date:

Transplant Date:

First Harvest Date:

Last Harvest Date:

Bounty (High, Medium, Low):




2024-First Year

Rating: 1

Notes: Only had two beets produced, and they had the whole season to grow. Beets were also dried up looking. Could be because of the dry season.


Beet: Albino


Beet: Detroit Dark Red