Broccoli, Chinese: Yod Fah
From Baker Creek:
“The delectable, tender stalks taste like a cross between asparagus and broccoli, only sweeter. Our favorite spring vegetable, this is a very easy-to-grow broccoli-like plant from China. The tender blue-green, glossy leaves are similar to kale but better, and the broccoli-like inflorescences are buttery soft and nutty in flavor. So tasty! A must-have for those who long for broccoli but struggle to grow it, and excellent for market gardeners as well.”
Indoor Sowing Time:
Outdoor Sowing/Transplanting Time:
Late Summer/Fall Sowing Time:
Astrological Sign:
Sprout Time:
Days to Mature: 60-70 Days
Reseeds or Re-sprouts:
Purchased From:
Purchase Date:
Sow Date:
Transplant Date:
First Harvest Date:
Last Harvest Date:
Bounty (High, Medium, Low):