Cauliflower: Purple of Sicily
From Baker Creek:
“Beautiful, brilliant purple heads weigh 2-3 lbs and are of a fine, sweet flavor. The heads cook to bright green. Insect-resistant, it is also easier to grow than many white varieties, and it is rich in minerals. This colorful heirloom is from select Italian seed, and is our favorite purple cauliflower every year!”
Indoor Sowing Time:
Outdoor Sowing/Transplanting Time:
Late Summer/Fall Sowing Time:
Astrological Sign:
Sprout Time: 7-10 Days
Days to Mature: 70 Days
Reseeds or Re-sprouts:
Purchased From:
Purchase Date:
Sow Date:
Transplant Date:
First Harvest Date:
Last Harvest Date:
Bounty (High, Medium, Low):