Wheat: Red Fife

Image from Baker Creek

From Baker Creek:

“Red Fife was the first heritage wheat nominated into the Slow Foods Ark of Taste, and it’s no wonder why. This fantastic heirloom boasts superior flavor and a fascinating history. The exact origins of Red Fife are unknown. It is believed to have been grown by Mennonite farmers in Poland and brought to North America in the early 1800s. Although the origins are obscure, Red Fife rose to become the favorite wheat of the baking and milling industry during the late 1800s. A landrace variety, it has a broad genetic diversity, making it widely adaptable to many different growing conditions in North America. Ever adaptable and delicious, Red Fife can be grown as both a winter or spring wheat. This makes a superb bread flour with a nutty flavor and honey overtones. An excellent choice for a gardener’s first wheat crop!”

Indoor Sowing Time:

Outdoor Sowing/Transplanting Time:

Late Summer/Fall Sowing Time:

Astrological Sign:

Sprout Time: 4-8Days

Days to Mature:

Reseeds or Re-sprouts:

Purchased From:

Purchase Date:


Sow Date:

Transplant Date:

First Harvest Date:

Last Harvest Date:

Bounty (High, Medium, Low):





Kale: Lacinato


Buckwheat: White