Sunflower: Sunspot Dwarf

Image Everwilde

From Everwilde:

“These large 10" blooms will become the bright spot of your day. Surprisingly, the large flower heads grow on short stalks that only reach a few feet tall. As an added benefit, this variety yields tasty seeds!

Sunflowers were named for their habit of turning their faces to the sun. At the beginning of their development they exhibit heliotropism, or following the sun in its course from east to west, though the mature blossoms usually end up facing straight east. These versatile plants have an ancient history, beginning with Native American tribes across North America as early as 2000 BC. The seeds were used for their oil, ground up for meal, or simply eaten as a snack; the plant also provided dye and medicinal ointment. In 18th century Europe, sunflowers were widely used both in gardens and for making cooking oil; the production of this heart-healthy oil eventually became a major industry both in Europe and America. These are said to be the happiest of flowers, and in the language of flowers they symbolize loyalty and constancy.”

Indoor Sowing Time:

Outdoor Sowing/Transplanting Time:

Late Summer/Fall Sowing Time:

Astrological Sign:

Sprout Time:

Days to Mature:

Reseeds or Re-sprouts:

Purchased From:

Purchase Date:


Sow Date:

Transplant Date:

First Harvest Date:

Last Harvest Date:

Bounty (High, Medium, Low):





Sunflower: Lemon Queen


Sunflower: Arikara