Reconnecting and Resettling
Alright, it’s been a heck of a long time since I’ve written.
I’ve spent the last several months in a world of change - new house, an abundance of art and writing, gardening and seed collecting. It’s been such a time of growth, which I am deeply grateful for, but as with all change, it’s left me mentally whirling a bit.
The wrap up of some of these projects, the cooler days and the leaves turning color are now bringing me a sense of peace that I’ve long anticipated. And with that peace, I feel a sense clarity and patience. Let’s take a moment and all just appreciate the coming of fall!
So, this brings me to a very quick recap of the last several months, and an update on what’s to come.
At last writing, our house was bare-boned. Through many cold, trialing days, we’ve nearly finalized our cozy house. A few projects left such as cabinets trim and a few doors, but it’s now in a place that feels like Home. (Let these words be felt with my brimming smile!) Below are a few photos that show the process (working on current-state photos).
After stepping back from some other commitments, I’ve finally found the space to create. Letting my days be spent in a state of flow - painting, writing, designing. It’s been absolutely bliss. I now have dozens of beautiful and unique greeting cards on my Etsy store.
I’m also excited to have joined over 30 contributors in developing the latest edition of a beautiful herbal magazine, called Botanical Anthology. This is a magazine that’s stunning and informative for any interested in plants, recipes, apothecary and living with the seasons. Get a copy HERE.
Photo credit @marigold_stories
I’m looking forward to this momentum and new-found peace to continue making beautiful works of art, writing for creators I support and respect, and sharing more insights and daily living on my YouTube channel.
I hope to connect with you all soon, and may you settle into fall with ease.
P.S. I highly recommend checking out Plant Wonder Collective and Botanical Anthology on Instagram to see some of the other fascinating plant-related material they’re sharing.