We’ve Approached Fall
We're now in fall - a time of endings...and beginnings.
Though I'm still collecting tomatoes, and now gourds too, I can feel the harvest season dwindling. The tomato leaves turning a crisp brown, squash vines shriveling, and small Brussel sprouts forming awaiting a light frost.
And with a year as full as this, I'm so grateful to be approaching this time. Oh! To no longer have a sweat-beaded forehead hovered over the steam of a canner!
(Creations from the week - sun dried tomatoes, ketchup, pick chips, and cucumber-pepper jam)
And, although one avenue of work is ending, another is just starting. We've just received our building permit. (YAY!) A process that was almost a year in the making - researching, drawing plans, redrawing plans, more researching - and FINALLY we're here! Though where "here" is, I don't quite know. The idea of snow looming, mixed with the timeline to receive windows (who knew it took so long) leaves us in a limbo. Even still, progress is occurring. This week, we met with people talking window frames, and j-channel, and all kinds of things I don't know about. So, as the nights cool, I ease my mind with a warm bath, and imagine what it'll feel like sitting in my clawfoot tub overlooking the changing leaves - a vision that may no longer be so far away.