Slicing Through Stress

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A few painful lessons were learned these last few weeks. With the overripe tomatoes falling off the vine, and zucchini growing to woody lengths, I found myself incapacitated an hour away. 

Stress and anxiety found a home in my middle back and neck, rendering me immobile for several days. And, ironically, the causes of that stress and anxiety, were then exasperated. The grind to meet my goals didn’t leave much room for flexibility or forgiveness. It is also ironic that I’ve found myself in this position, all the while obsessing about being a high-acheiving individual. With a laser-focus on goals, I was blind to what was happening in my now


With recovery underway, and mobility returned this week, I approached my tasks with more intention. I felt the weight of the cucumbers upon harvesting, and how some are pokier than others. While slicing tomatoes, I observed how meaty some were compared to the juice and seeds pooling out of others.


And, while making sauce, I thought about the meals that would be shared in the months to come. How I hope when a plate is placed before myself and others, summer’s winds and heat will be remembered and warm the soul on those cold winter days.  

With each step, I harbored gratitude and love for what this new land has provided me.

My note to remember is that there will always be something to do, but it is in the act of presence, that makes any of it worth doing. 


We’ve Approached Fall


A Belly Full