Honoring Meals

Do you pray before meals?

I didn’t grow up with the practice, and being non-Christian, I sometimes draw back when in a situation where others around me do. (Which, I acknowledge, is unfair to Christians who mean well by it).

But, I recently watched a clip of Rosemary Gladstar, a leader of modern-day herbalism, where she expressed that one of the simplest ways to engage with plants is to pray before meals.

And this makes sense. The plants that spend vast amounts of time growing. The hands that toil to get it from farm to plate. And, depending on your diet, the death that ensues to be at our table. It’s all so much effort and - really - a lost connection by not taking a few moments to let the weight of it all sit in our minds for a time. If nothing else, fostering more gratitude practices is always a beneficial thing to do.

So, this morning, while sleepy-eyed and still in bed, I pondered a quick verse to be said at the dinner table that encompasses the gratitude that I have for the natural world and our place in it.

I’ve listed it below, and perhaps you’ll find it resonates with you. If not, consider what might be better suited to your style.


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